Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.”
— Peter Drucker

Whether you are a new leader in an organization or an existing leader working to ensure your team is focused on the right activities, it is important to develop an Operational Strategy grounded in your organization’s goals, and then periodically re-evaluate that strategy. Aadrika is adept at helping substantiate the business case at the Executive Leadership and Board level, and we are equally skilled in partnering with delivery teams to hit milestones.When supporting our partners in developing an Operational Strategy, we take a top-down approach that begins with your organization’s goals, and results in a strategy that can be regularly monitored by Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

Department Unit Business

Whether you are leading a single department or multiple business units, you likely have many goals you are trying to achieve simultaneously. These can be driven by external factors (such as Profit, Revenue, or Product Launches) and internal factors (such as Costs, Retention, and Collaboration). A cohesive strategy built from your unique goals and monitored through KPIs will help you realize your operational targets and substantiate that success to the organization itself.